Item Management- Higher quality without extra efforts.
Item management at SKU level means that every item for every location is listed individually and that its behavior in every location is constantly being monitored and evaluated immediately. Automatically! Every stage in the demand chain is controlled separately and remains manageable. Information is documented on a daily basis and can be incorporated into planning! PRIME One constantly examines every item (SKU) and evaluates its individual characteristics from scratch each time.
Item Management troughout the entire value chain
The structured procedure that spans all replenishment departments delivers the required results using a high level of automation. It gives the user more time for proactive and strategic activities. Order suggestions are automatically optimized economically and aligned in such a way that the balance of the coverage ranges of all items (SKUs) of a procurement source remains as good as possible (inventory balancing).
Thus panic or corrective purchasing is reduced and logistical processes, such as incoming goods and volume flows, are synchronized much better.
Using this approach, the required service level is monitored down to the individual item and the best possible service level achieved. This enables a sustainable reduction in the safety stocks required to achieve the service level.

Flexibility, optimization and more options
PRIME One’s demand forecasts are calculated in several models based on actual demand or output volumes and are adjusted for artificial sales promotion activities, for example special offers or lost sales (non-sales or erroneous sales). During promotional campaigns, the system is capable of statistically calculating the increased demand (increased output), filtering this data and listing seasonally adjusted (separated from normal demand data) statistical data calculated down to the day. Thus the historical progression remains adjusted and forecasts undistorted. The separately listed special offer output can be accessed later for evaluation purposes.
In this way, historical demand data remains undistorted and the accuracy of demand forecasts is higher! Seasonal profiles for the automatic description of measurably fluctuating but regularly recurring demand progressions are an important part of PRIME One’s demand planning. Corresponding functions allow all users to allocate and set up seasonal profiles individually or to reallocate existing profiles to new items at the SKU level at the click of a mouse. Safety levels are reduced further and the service level improved sustainably!